Get ready for a miracle! Huckabee Elecifies CPAC

“Miracle” Mike Huckabee Electrifies CPAC Crowd, Vows to Stay in Race
by Fin Gomez
Washington, DC-

On the flight from Kansas to Washington D.C. late last night Mike Huckabee was talking to members of his inner circle about the big expectations for his speech today at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering of conservatives in the Nation’s Capitol.
“The pressure is on, ” Huckabee said to his staff, smiling. For the remainder of the flight ,he was left alone, as he worked on the text of the speech.

Huckabee was right, the expectations were astronomically high for his address. Mitt Romney, supported by many of the establishment conservatives at this meeting, had dropped out Thursday, and the GOP presumptive nominee, John McCain, is far from a favorite son for many at this conference, who still resent McCain’s defeated immigration reform bill . Not only did Huckabee have to convince those in attendance about meeting their conservative standards(that some like the Club for Growth had questioned) but he had to defend what many consider a quixotic attempt to continue campaigning even as McCain continues to amass delegates, 719 to Huckabee’s 198.

So as he stepped up to the podium today, the lingering question , hovering above the crowd, was could he do it?

If the loud audience reaction is an accurate indicator, then yes, Huckabee delivered today.
Hitting his mark, he emphasized the issues that resonated well with the several hundred cheering conservatives in the room:
Pro-traditional marriage, pro-life stance, border security, all Republican platform benchmarks, and with Huckabee’s argument for each, the audience roared with approval,and regular standing ovations.

Huckabee also took the opportunity to say that, despite McCain’s colossal lead in delegates, he had no plans to bow out.

“I know the pundits, and I know what they say, that the math doesn’t work out.Folks,I didn’t major in math,I majored in miracles, and I believe in those,” Huckabee said to cheers. “Am I quitting? Let’s get that settled right now. No, I’m not.” The crowd waved signs, and chanted: We like Mike… We like Mike.

Huckabee then concluded with a story from a supporter from Kentucky who had recently lost her house in the tornadoes that ravaged the South on Tuesday.

“Despite damage to her home there was one thing that was pretty remarkable,she had a Mike Huckabee yard sign..when the tornado had gone through,standing pristine, without a hint of damage, or even meaning,was that yard sign.”Huckabee continued, using the image asn an analogy for his campaign.”Across America, everywhere there is still a vote to be cast, I am still standing.”