$1,000,000 in One Day for Mike Huckabee!

Help Mike Huckabee Raise $1,000,000 in One Day

November 20th is Children's Day and to celebrate we are donating to Mike Huckabee, candidate for our future and our children. Why Huckabee? He is the one candidate with policies that will enhance this country for generations to come, the one candidate who can truly better our children's future.

Together we can send a message, by donating $1,000,000 or more to Mike Huckabee's presidential campaign on this date. (All donations are to be made at Huckabee's official website.) We are calling for 10,000 courageous individuals to donate at least $100 a piece. Will you be one of them?

Click the banner above to go to the site and take a stand!
Here's why!